Generations In Faith Together
GIFT (Generations in Faith Together) is a Cross+Generational program. GIFT is a midweek worship and education program for all ages on Wednesdays throughout the school year.
5:15 - 6:00 pm Family Meal
6:00 - 7:15 pm Family Worship & Activities
GIFT begins on Wednesday, September 11

with God and each other
GIFT Calendar
- There are no upcoming events.
GIFT Meals
Much of the prep, serving, and clean up for the GIFT meals are covered.
Although, we do have some meals where we need some help. If you would like to volunteer, please use Signup Genius to find out which meals we need help with.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
When will GIFT be offered?
GIFT begins on Wednesday, September 14th and will be on Wednesday evenings throughout the school year.
Who can attend GIFT?
Anyone of any age is welcome at GIFT. This is a Cross+Generational program. We welcome and encourage parents and guardians to stay and participate with their student(s).
What is the schedule for GIFT?
We begin with a meal at 5:15 pm and conclude by 7:15 pm. The food for the meal will be available throughout the mealtime. So, arrive whenever it works best for you. We encourage families to share in a meal together.
5:15 – 6:00 GIFT Meal
6:00 – 7:15 GIFT Worship and Activities
What about confirmation students?
GIFT includes all of our confirmation students and their families. Please plan on attending GIFT, as this is your confirmation class.
This sounds like fun, but I have no children in school, can I still come?
Absolutely! All ages are welcome.
How do I register our family for GIFT?
Registration will open by mid-August. Will you be able to register online at
Will GIFT worship be the same as Sunday worship?
No, it will look and feel completely different. Different music. Different Bible stories. So, you are welcome to come to both.
Will there still be Sunday School on Sunday mornings?
No, GIFT is the new “Sunday School,” except on Wednesdays. Diana will be available to do small group activities with any children present on Sunday mornings, but there will be no formal program on Sundays.
Will there still be a children’s message on Sunday mornings?
Yes, we value the presence and participation of children in all of our worship services. A children’s message will be offered when children are present on Sunday mornings.
Is there a cost for attending GIFT?
No, there are no registration fees. However, if you find GIFT to be of value in your faith journey and you are in a position to give of your finances, you can do so by putting cash or a check in a donation basket at GIFT, or by donating online at Thank you!
Do you need help with meals?
Yes, we could use more volunteers for providing, preparing, and/or serving meals. Visit to sign up.